Progress Report Submittal FAQs

The IES Progress Report is designed to report significant developments to the membership each year at the annual Conference. Developments can include products, publications, tools or research in the field of illumination. During the Invitation to Submit, the IES Progress Committee reviews developments in the field of Illuminating Engineering and accepts those developments considered a significant advancement to what exists in the field.

When the Progress Committee began over 100 years ago there were few national organizations that recognized lighting applications. Now there are many organizations that were formed to solely represent applications. The category was eliminated to avoid duplication of efforts of other organizations.

The submitter is the person who is actually submitting the electronic form (whether it is a company employee, an outside advertising company, etc). If the Progress Committee has a question about the form, we will contact the submitter. The contact person is the person who should receive public inquiries about the product after it is presented by the Progress Committee. Normally, the contact person’s information will be made available at the Progress Report presentation at the Conference. The submitter and contact information can be the same.

If you have questions or want to discuss the form before it is submitted you may contact the IES Progress Committee Chair or through our email: Once you submit your form, it is assigned to an IES Progress Committee member. They should be your first point of contact followed by the Chair or our email.

If your product is accepted, you will receive a congratulatory letter from a Progress Committee member containing information on how to access the seal electronically. This seal may be used for the SPECIFIC product that was accepted and it may be used on any business collateral that is distributed. It may not be shown with products not accepted by the committee. The seal is dated (by year) so you may keep using the seal on the associated product as long as the year stays constant.

Very often we receive “significances” which are vague. Reasons such as “full color spectrum”, “long life”, “low profile”, “extensive product line”, etc. do not provide a specific reason as to why your product is superior to your competition. Please use more descriptive phrases such as “only lamp to provide both 100 CRI and a wavelength distribution curve with peaks in both red and blue”, or “only linear fluorescent luminaire in the industry that has 20 lamp wattages available with 8 unique mounting types and 12 lens options”. In other words, superlative phrases.

It helps the Progress Committee find the supporting data for each significance more easily. Each attachment is linked your significance number on the submittal form.

The Progress Committee will accept a line extension if it is a significant advantage over what is currently available. The product must have unique features and cannot only just fill a hole in the current product line.

Yes. Acceptance by the Progress Committee is dependent on the submittal’s advancement in the lighting industry. No one knows better about the uniqueness of the submitted product than the submitter. The matrix is required so the members of the Progress Committee can have the best understanding of the differentiating features of the product. By comparing those features to other available, similar products, the Committee can have a clear picture of why the submitted item stands out in the lighting industry.